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Can Prolonged Computer Use Cause Dry Eye Symptoms? | Dry Eye Care in Laguna Beach

Computer Use WomanHave you ever spent long hours working on your computer or binge-watching your favorite series? If yes, have you noticed dry and itchy eyes afterwards? If the answer is also yes, then you're not alone. Many people experience dry eye symptoms after prolonged computer use.

Call us at Laguna Eyes Dry Eye Center in Laguna Beach and schedule an eye exam today.

Can Prolonged Computer Use Cause Dry Eye Symptoms?

Prolonged computer use can cause dry eye symptoms, also known as computer vision syndrome (CVS). When you spend hours staring at a computer screen, you blink less frequently, leading to reduced lubrication of the eyes. Blinking helps spread tears over the surface of your eyes, keeping them moisturized and healthy. When you don't blink enough, your eyes become dry and irritated, resulting in burning, itching, redness, and blurred vision.

The blue light emitted by computer screens can also contribute to dry eye symptoms. Blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher energy than other colors, making it more damaging to the eyes. It can penetrate the eyes' protective layers and cause oxidative stress, leading to inflammation and damage to the cells that produce tears.

What Can You Do to Prevent Dry Eye Symptoms Caused by Prolonged Computer Use?

  • Firstly, take breaks! It is essential to take frequent breaks and look away from your computer screen every 20-30 minutes. During this time, blink your eyes several times to help moisturize them. Try to look at something far away, as focusing on something close for long periods can also contribute to dry eyes.
  • Another tip is to adjust the lighting around you. Ensure that the lighting in your workspace is adequate and does not cause glare on your computer screen. This can lead to increased eye strain and dryness. Consider using an anti-glare screen or adjusting your monitor's brightness and contrast to reduce glare.
  • Using eye drops can also help relieve dry eye symptoms. Artificial tears can help lubricate your eyes, reducing irritation and redness.

If dry eye symptoms persist, scheduling an appointment with an eye doctor is essential. Call us at Laguna Eyes Dry Eye Center in Laguna Beach and schedule an eye exam today.

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